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Title:U Call PTAC Inc.
Category:Business: Consumer Goods and Services
Description:U Call PTAC Inc. We offer 24/7 Air Conditioning Repair, Installation, Maintenance, sales services and will get you cool and comfortable in no time! Equipped with the latest technologies in the field, you can count on our expert technicians to diagnose and identify the problem quickly and accurately. We are New York’s leading PTAC repair providers, helping every restaurant, office and home breathe fresh! With almost 10+ years of experience serving the residents of New York and Surrounding Areas.
Meta Keywords:PTAC Services, PTAC Units, Best PTAC Repair in New York, HVAC Services NYC, Air Conditioning Services NYC, HVAC Maintenance, Repair, Installation NYC, Duct Cleaning, Window unit Repair NYC, Heating Services NYC, Furnace Repair NYC, PTAC Repair Queens
Meta Description:U Call PTAC Inc. We Provides Residential and Commercial HVAC, PTAC Service Including Installation, Maintenance and Repair in New York and surrounding areas from years. Contact: 646-577-4378
Link Owner:Erik Hardy