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Title:Buy Sleeping Gear At Best Prices, Shop At Artecue.Com
Category:Recreation: Outdoors
Description:This super light sleeping bag weighs about 1kg/2.2lbs, and comes with a carrying bag for easy storage and transport. You can hang it on your backpack and carry it with ease. Zipper with double sliders for your convenience. The overall size of this sleeping bag measures 210cm long and 75cm wide, the hood is 30cm long. The recommended temperature rating is from 5°C to 20°C (depends on the surrounding environment and personal circumstances)
Meta Keywords:Sleeping Gear, Sleeping Bag, Camping Bag,
Meta Description:. The overall size of this sleeping bag measures 210cm long and 75cm wide, the hood is 30cm long. The recommended temperature rating is from 5°C to 20°C (depends on the surrounding environment and personal circumstances)
Link Owner:Rishab Gupta