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Title:Micro endoscopic neurosurgeon in Delhi - The Brain and Spine
Category:Fitness Health: Family Health
Description:Endoscopy and endoscope assisted brain surgery is one of the latest, safe and fast techniques that uses highly specialized instruments. Endoscopy has conquered almost all kinds of surgery and various kinds of treatments are done using an endoscope. An endoscope is a very tiny fiber-optic video camera that is attached to a rigid endoscope which then is inserted along the spine surface through small incisions.
Meta Keywords:Micro endoscopic neurosurgeon in Delhi,Micro Endoscopic Surgery Delhi
Meta Description:Endoscopy has conquered almost all kinds of surgery and various kinds of treatments are done using an endoscope. An endoscope is a very tiny fiber-optic video camera that is attached to a rigid endoscope which then is inserted along the spine
Link Owner:Brainandspine